Family Constellations
  • German quality
  • International groups
  • The best from the global experience of systemic constellations and of the spiritually-oriented psychotherapy based on the advanced world technologies
Family Constellations
Family Constellations
  • Worldwide recognition
  • German quality and Russian cordiality
  • The best from the global experience of systemic constellations and of the spiritually-oriented psychotherapy based on the leading world technologies

Systemic constellations: learning in Berlin

Family Constellations
  • We will cover the globe with systemic constellations
  • Recognising by CI (Constellater International)

  • Individual training: 5 students in a group
  • We are unique

Systemic constellations in online groups: training

Family Constellations
Personal or online systemic constellation with a  world class WCP and EAP psychotherapist Natalya Spokoinyi

Changing life drastically

IIS - Teaching Systemic Constellations in Berlin

Welcome to the website of IIS-Berlin, International Institute of Systemic Constellations, an educational, academic and experimental centre in the area of contemporary Systemic Constellations. Our main task is teaching Systemic Constellations in high quality in all their varieties.

All the qualification programs for Systemic Constellations are recognised and meet the german quality . We educate high class specialists on an international level.


About Systemic Family Constellations

A Systemic Family Constellation is a powerful tool for professions involved in personality development (for example, psychotherapy, consulting, spiritual teachers and practitioners, etc.).

This is one of the most effective methods of short-duration therapy. It is a unique opportunity to explore, what is really happening and investigate the underlying reasons, to understand how past events of your family history influence your present life.


Testimonials of our clients

I wish to say that Natalya is a true professional. She gets transformed completely during a systemic constellation to become a guide of the Supreme Will. She conducts a constellation confidently and clearly. I fully trust her work of systemic constellations and can sincerely advise everyone to choose her as a constellations therapist of the highest level.

Alexandra, Berlin, 23.08.14

I am sure Natalya is the person to address, even if you have nothing to believe in any longer. Thank you for your invaluable work!!!

Anna K., Ukraine, 17.05.14

IIS Berlin is an international Institute where...

  • Training is provided in mixed Russian-German groups in both languages, students and trainers are invited from Russian and German-speaking countries.

  • You can find the most distinguished and experienced teachers and trainers representing various schools and systems of thought, so that each student can see all the different aspects of constellations work and select what suits them best.

The Principles of our Work

  • German quality and accuracy

  • Russian cordiality and hospitality

  • Innovative technologies and continuous growth

Our goal is to bring both the teaching process and constellation work to a new level by means of:

greencheckerIntegrating the highest achievements in psychotherapy, systemic constellations and modern science

greencheckerOrienting the constellation work and therapy toward the spiritual dimension, where a person is considered holistically, and the therapy is directed towards restoring his integrity on all levels – from body and emotions to intellect and spirit

greencheckerDeveloping our students’ intuition and the skill “to ground” quickly, to enter the state of presence, to combine the empathy for the client with neutrality, ability to resist circumstances and keep the balance, while working with difficult and “heavy” topics