Module 2. May 21 – May 25, 2024
Babakova Anastasiia, Moscow
The second module was intense and very deep. Group members changed, and this changed the atmosphere in the learning process. The works became more powerful and deeper. We managed to accomplish a lot during this module.
After the first module, I fixed the idea that it was necessary to raise the prices for constellations. I voiced this to my audience. At that moment I was offered a new position at my main job in IT. It was not easy for me. I started to work more than 12 hours a day. I didn’t have enough energy for constellations, I stopped doing them. I came to the module exhausted and tired from work. My main request for the module was to get away from workaholism, as it had a negative impact on my family relationships and on my health. Natalia did a constellation on this request. I was amazed that within the framework of one work on one topic I received answers to my other requests. The constellation led me to my great-grandmother, who was “running away” to work because of the hard things that had happened in her life. I thanked my great-grandmother for her life, for all the hard things she had endured for me. Great-grandmother gave resources: faith in myself, in my strength, in my gift. After the work, my energy level increased. And on the same day a client came to me for constellations.
A working week has passed after the module. I can note that I have become lighter in my attitude to work. There is no such a burden of responsibility, heaviness and overwork.
In addition to my personal work, it has been useful for me to participate in other people’s constellations. Most of the requests from students and visiting clients resonated with me. My roles gave me a new perspective on different situations.
During the module we had time to do several exercises. Some of them we had already done in the first module. It was interesting to see the changes in the figures “My Partner” and “Me and My Constellation Work”. My Constellation Work spun with me in a dance and led me. It was very important for me to see the beauty of this process if I trust and engage in this dance with my сonstellation work.
Also on the module we studied the BEMS model: Body, Emotions, Intellect, Spirit. We did tests on our own requests. It was interesting to see how these parts come together when you find a good solution for your request. This is a great tool for diagnosing and finding a solution.
There was still a lot to see on the module. It really turned out to be very comprehensive and in-depth. I am looking forward to further training with our small but powerful group.
Maria Potasova, Moscow
I have been a consulting psychologist for over a decade, I have studied many different areas, I am always looking for something new, empowering and inspiring. About two years ago I let esotericism and different spiritual practices into my life. I started to study Human Design, Tarot and many other things. At some point, offering my ‘non-standard’ knowledge to my psychological clients, I began to notice that much of what my clients and I unearth during our sessions has already been described by the same astrology, numerology, etc., the only difference is in the ‘language’ of the formulations. In short, it is as if many traumas, potential workings and points of growth have already been described somewhere from above, albeit in rather general words, but very clearly. This struck me more and more deeply. Then I realised and was definitely strengthened in my vision that the following is absolutely certain: 1) there is something higher, which gives us exactly a certain vector of destiny 2) somehow this hidden information can be learned to read!
I realised then that I would be looking for something that would help me better understand these invisible connections. One day I found Natalia Spokoynaya and the description of her 4-part model. I was pleasantly surprised and pleased with her discovery – it resonated with what I had already seen from my experience. I had never practiced systemic constellations myself before, but I am very fascinated by the topic of family and I also find a special value in deep understanding of the topics of Forgiveness and Gratitude, I always discuss these topics with my clients and each time it turns out to be a meaningful point.
The training itself was very engaging! I think it started on the day of my interview with Natalia – it was spontaneous as I practically flew into the last carriage for the module! After that long conversation I immediately felt energised – Natalia both frightened me (with the amount of work to be done) and excited me! I immediately bought B. Hellinger’s book ‘The Orders of Love’ and sat down to study deep and fascinating working sessions on the website IIS Berlin.
The training module was a total immersion in practice: already on the first day I sat on the chair of the constellator! Of course, it was very exciting, but I had a strong wave of support from Natalia. It was not easy for me to change from my habitual way of thinking, given the ready-made schemes of work and bundles that had developed in my practice. Everything is different here. Natalia immediately asked me to switch off my head, meaning my usual ways of thinking, while a lot of efforts was directed at the ability to quickly, succinctly and correctly formulate questions to the client, which is in fact an area of coaching. But the most important thing for me was the skill of subtly conducting and reading information through my body signals. After this module I understand more clearly what is happening to me, it is a very useful skill! Now I remember my senior colleagues in my studies and realise what powerful results I can achieve, how I can learn to use my intuition. This is especially helped by working as a representative, I counted that I became a representative on the course about 9 times, 7 of which were full-fledged constellations. I have also successfully completed a constellation full three times under Natalia’s supervision and guidance, and have been a client 4 times myself! It was very therapeutic!
I have to say that Natalia always explains all the actions inside the constellation work, so everything is clear and there are no riddles.
The most difficult thing for me in training with Natalia is discipline and high demands, but if you understand why you need it, you become open and interested.
I am also very happy with our team of fellow students – wonderful, deeply interested in the subject and just very nice people. I am grateful to everyone for their sensitivity, informativeness, warmth and personal example.
Pavel Lupashku, Podolsk
Two new students and two from the previous module participated in this one. Compared to the previous modules, this one was more theory-rich. I revised the information that Natalia explained to the new students. And I liked it very much, as the theory is revealed in a new way each time and is strengthened better.
We talked about Bert Hellinger, Higher Value, the Field where the information comes from. Natalia explained and showed how and why we introduce representatives and Symptom, how to always stay in touch with the client and how to get out of hard roles.
We also talked about the Victim-Aggressor relationship and practiced working on resolving this situation. Natalia also gave us the procedure of “divorce”, and showed us how to work with BEMS-Model (Body, Emotion, Intellect, Spirit). We did this exercise for all the students.
I really enjoyed the “Me and the Constellation Work” test. It was the second test for me and I noticed the difference between the first one and this one. I saw once again that the Constellation Work is always on our right side as the Big Figure, because it is connected to the Field and it is connected to God. This time I felt more comfortable standing next to the Constellation Work and there was more connection.
I was also given a VIP constellation. My request was to confidently do my own business instead of being distracted by supposed negative feedback. In the constellation we saw that my former problem went from my grandfather Vasily. Most likely his first wife had criticized him constructively. And most likely she wanted him to be even better, perfect, and always made remarks to him on this subject. And he probably left her for that reason. Because he was already a prominent man, but instead of recognition and admiration, he was getting criticism from her. He went to my grandmother, she was much younger and, of course, admired him as an older man. He loved and pampered her too. The outcome of the constellation was that we included her in the System, thanked her for giving way to my grandmother.
During the module Natalia did 2 big constellations and it was useful for us to observe and participate in them. During this module I noticed that my ability to read and conduct information from the Field through myself became more intense, I became more sensitive. And there are a lot of things I already know and can do. This was noticed by other students as well, including Alina, to whom I did a difficult constellation and with which I coped. Alina highly appreciated my ability to conduct constellations. I believe that this was possible because between the modules I do constellations to friends and acquaintances, and we meet with the students at peer groups.
As always, the module focused a lot on coaching as an important stage before the constellation. I also noticed that I became more tolerant, attentive and calm during the training. I am very satisfied with my training with Natalia Spokoinyi. She is a strong master of her craft and invests a lot in each student. I thank Natalia for her attentiveness, sensitivity, rigor and accuracy. Thank you for everything I gained from this module.
I see myself changing a little bit after each module, growing up, becoming more aware and stronger. Thanks to Alina for her work in video recording the learning process, her participation in the constellations and conducting the tests, and for the appreciation of my skills as a constellator. Thanks to all colleagues for their involvement and emotional generosity.
Module 1. January 30 – February 3, 2024
Babakova Anastasiia, Moscow
I have been a constellator for 3 years, trained online. I came to Natalia to focus on offline work, because it has lots of specific things. In the last 5 days many constellations were done by Natalia and the students. I am slowly absorbing the knowledge of what behavior of the figures to pay attention to. I am waiting for the other interesting secrets I can learn and start to use in my practice. In the one of the constellations we faced with the dynamics of incest and now we know how to determine these dynamics by the movement of the figures. We have many constellations with heavy dynamics and we learn to work with themes of violence, pedophilia, victim-aggressor dynamics, murder, loss.
It was really important for me to see how Natalia uses tests in her works. We have been taught to use 2 methods: the scale and deviation from the direction to God. It was very interesting to see how the definition of the figure was done and where the dynamics came from. I’ve used other ways of testing before this module, but now I am improving my skills to test correctly with these methods.
As for the testing regarding the direction to the Will of the Highest, I would like to note that having a table with icons at the training room helps to have better connection with the Highest. A lot of topics about spirituality were brought up, we can see how Natalia values connection with God and leads us to connect with Him. This is a huge point of growth for me. I appreciate this experience, it is so important for me.
To be honest, at the beginning it was very difficult for me to readjust to the format of constellations that Natalia gives, because I was taught differently. But after 5 days I can say that Natalia gives an universal format, which is suitable for most constellations. It is very comfortable to move through this format. There is a clear structure in your head and moving according to the algorithm, you get into the right dynamics and get results.
During this module, from theory to practice in constellations, we did very useful exercises: “Me and My Partner”, “Me and My Constellation Work”. These exercises allowed me to see the situation from the outside and highlighted the places to pay attention to. Without the exercises, I did not even think that something needed to be improved in these issues. The things I pointed out after exercises turned out to be very important for me. The exercise about my constellation work showed me that I am worthy of the high pay, and I got the idea of raising the prices for my services. I believe that by the next module the cost of my work will be increased.
I also had a constellation done for me on the request: “What should I do to raise my energy level”. Before the module, my smart scale showed my energy level as 1. After the module, it went up to 3.2! Yes, it is still low, but it is growing, and I know what I need to do next to raise it further. Constellation and Natalia showed me the next steps.
I would say that the training is not easy, a lot of emotions come up, conflicts arise. But the space is still safe because we can openly express our emotions and feelings, Natalia allows both herself and us to express all our parts. This is very valuable. For me Natalia shows by her example how much it is possible to be open, different, to allow yourself any manifestation. I learn from this example because I do not allow myself much and try to be a “good girl”. In 5 days we have already become a family, in spite of all the difficulties we faced, Natalia gives a lot of love and faith to her students. It is easier to grow up with such support.
This training was very rich, voluminous and therapeutic. I am thankful for this experience and look forward to new meetings.
Pavel Lupashku, Podolsk, Moscow region
This was the third module for me. It involved two new students and myself. I noticed that because I missed one module in the fall, I had a hard time remembering things. But I was still able to do a pretty good job with a constellation for a client who came to the students.
During the module I repeated a lot of what Natalia had explained to new students. We talked about the Highest Value, how to introduce representatives into a constellation, how and why to introduce Symptom, and how to conduct an investigation between what is happening in the constellation and the client. We also talked about the victim-aggressor relationship and practiced resolution work.
In one big constellation Natalia used tetralemma to address a difficult issue and resolve a client’s situation. For me all the repetitions were very useful. Immediately after the module I made an outline for myself in the form of step-by-step instructions on how to conduct a constellation. And now I will be able to do them even more easily and correctly.
I really liked the tests we did between us and the Constellation Work, between us and the Clients with money. I learned that the Constellation Work is always on the right side of us as a big figure, because it is related to the Field and it is related to God. I also learned in these tests that my clients will mostly come from the business area. And that in 10 years they will be willing to pay me any money if I study and practice.
On the second day Natalia conducted a test-constellation for me, where we saw how my trial related to the criminal case of non-payment of taxes would go and how it would end. First, we introduced the representative of aggressors, which in my case was the tax authority. And saw that they sued me without influence or the involvement of a third party. It was just their job, and they thought they could get money from me. And the inspector who conducted the on-site audit was just doing her job.
Since I did not acknowledge the debt and the charges that were brought against me, the tax office sent documents to the investigative committee. This is the legal procedure for finalizing such cases – either the person pays the money or the case goes to the investigative committee, then to court. Since now there is a trial and my lawyer and I have three options for the outcome of the case, we introduced the representatives of these three options into the constellation. They were the judge and my representative. The constellation showed the most positive outcome, which is the closing of the case according to the limitation period on March 26.
It was interesting for me to see the process of the constellation as a student. And as a client, it was useful to see the result. After that I felt a little better. During the course we talked several times about the relationship with the System, including the tax system.
I also got a small test about my relationship with my wife, where I found out that now my wife does not give me any energy, but feeds on it. After the module I had a conversation with her and she confirmed that this was true, realized that it was not quite right and promised to correct the situation.
On the module Natalia did three big constellations and it was useful for us to observe and participate in them.
In the first constellation, I was introduced as an unknown figure, and later it turned out that I was the representative for the Spiritual part of the client. I was very moved by this and later thought about it a lot and realized that I had been skeptical of Spirituality lately. Thanks to this constellation and reflection on the topic, I decided to resume spiritual practices such as gratitude and prayer.
In the second big constellation, I was a representative for a man who had renounced Spirituality because of serious troubles that had happened to him. But then he came back to it. And I saw that the same thing had happened to me. I am glad that I was able to see this, to turn back to the subject of Spirituality, because without it I felt bad and without it I would not have become a good Constellator.
As always, the module focused a lot on coaching as an important stage before the constellation. I am very satisfied with my training with Natalia Spokojnaya. She is a strong master of her craft and invests a lot in each student. During the course of the training Natalia pointed out several times my inattention and insensitivity to others. On the last day I saw it myself, recognized it and decided to work with the issue.
Thank you Natalia for your attentiveness, sensitivity, rigor and accuracy. Thank you for everything I have received on this module. I see how after each module I change a little bit, grow up, become more aware and stronger. Thanks to Alina for her work in videotaping the learning process, her participation in constellations and conducting tests. Thanks to all my colleagues for their involvement and responsiveness.
Oksana Tagay Pushkino, Moscow region
Each day of training in constellations with the teacher Natalia Spokoinyi we began with a circle in which each participant called his or her name, a number on the presentness scale and a request: ,,What should I do to…”. It is important that the request corresponds to the constellation work. A clear schedule of learning and acceptance of the group participants coincides with order and love in the constellations themselves.
Natalia S. told us about Bert Hellenger as an outstanding person who conducted constellations. In constellations it is important to determine which Orders of Love are violated. We defined the concept of “System”. I learned about types of feelings: primary, secondary, adopted. It is important to return the primary feeling in the constellation. We looked at the Victim-Aggressor dynamic. The aggressor owes the victim, so he is inferior. In the exercise we managed to bring them to equality through forgiveness and words of gratitude.
Each participant was in the role of a client and a therapist. When I was in the role of a client, I was able to work with the request: “What should I do in order to stay in an adult, healthy position in a dangerous conflict situation?” I tried introducing myself in the Field of representatives, the symptom and of the aggressor. I watched the course of the constellation from the outside. It turned out that my request was connected to my grandmother on my father’s side. Here I was pleasantly surprised and shocked! It became clear that the grandmother and the aggressor were connected through my symptom. Through the resolving phrases, I was able to feel love and acceptance of their difficult life. It became clear what resource those family members who are not around can provide. They gave me warmth, acceptance, resilience, determination and even more. On the recommendation of the constellator, after the session I did the homework (words of gratitude and bows).
When I was in the role of a symptom, it was interesting to feel unusual sensations in my body: heaviness and tension in my hands, paralyzing fear, calmness, indifference, stupor, lightness, despondency. In the role of a constellator, I felt excitement, tension, fear. Natalia S. assisted me in conducting the constellation. I felt supported, that even with my small baggage of knowledge (my inferiority complex lifted its head), Natalia Spokoinyi supported me and helped me to conduct the constellation. And despite the fact that it was my first experience of conducting a constellation, the client got a good result. I understood the process of the constellation, its sequencing. It is important for the therapist to watch over the process and get feedback.
I realized that there is a lot of fear and insecurity in me about myself and my talent for working with people. This will be one of the requests for a personal constellation in the future. Natalia showed an example of prayer before the constellation when there was a difficult family scenario. Also, I followed the progress of the constellation in which there was a difficult life scenario in the lineage.