N. Spokoinyi Presentation on the III World Online-Congress on Mental Health: “CHILDREN, SOCIETY AND THE FUTURE”
8-10.11.2021 г
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Natalia Spokoinyi
Report at the III Online-Congress on Mental Health 8.10.21
Natalia Spokoinyi
- Director of IIS Berlin – International Institute of System Constellations; Germany, Berlin.
- WCP and EAP registered and certified psychotherapist (https://www.worldpsyche.org/wcpc_holders https://www.europsyche.org/)
- Teaching therapist at DGfS (German Society of Systemic Constellations)
- Master trainer at INFOSYON (International Forum for System Constellations in Organisations)
- International level instructor and full member of PPL
- Systemic trauma-therapist and author of the 4-part BEMS-Model (Body-Emotions-Mind-Spirit) method for short-term therapy for severe trauma
- Systemic sex therapist (by Institute for Sexual Therapy Aachen/Heidelberg)
- Christian Psychotherapist, Specialist in the M. Murray method
- Master theologician (Alexander Men University), participant of the Ecumenical congress (Monastero di Bose, Italy) of all Orthodox, Catholic and Anglican churches
- Mathematician
- Author of various articles and books related to trauma therapy and constellations
- mother of six children
Presentation >>
Plan of presentation
1. The problems immigrant’s children face in Germany, communication challenges
2. The difference between the mentality of Russian and German people
3. Why is it difficult for psychologists to help resolve this problem
4. Why do we need to have international groups?
5. Prevention and therapy – how to go about it?
6. Conclusions
7. Three generations of science and Resonance Theory.
8. Cutting-edge informational technologies as the third generation of science
9. Advantages of the spiritually-oriented approach: therapy of the ψυχή (psyche, soul) using instruments of the spirit.
10. Orientation towards the Highest Values when working with severe trauma — advantages: clarity, precision, energy.
11. Resume.
At the end Professor Vincenzo Di Nicola, chairman of the World Association of Social Psychiatry, gave a brief assessment of the report.